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  • cesar 6:44 pm on June 26, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: database, google   

    berrydb C++ Created by google Star

  • cesar 1:10 am on May 19, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: database,   

    comdb2 C Created by bloomberg Star

    Bloomberg's distributed RDBMS

  • cesar 5:14 pm on May 16, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: browser database, , database, , react database   

    rxdb TypeScript Created by pubkey Star

    A fast, local first, reactive Database for JavaScript Applications https://rxdb.info/

  • cesar 12:48 am on March 3, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: database, disk, , redis clone   

    kvnode Go Created by tidwall Star

    key value server. redis api, leveldb storage, raft support

  • cesar 7:45 pm on February 8, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: database, , ,   

    emodb Java Created by bazaarvoice Star

    A distributed database with a built in streaming data platform

  • cesar 4:17 pm on February 8, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: database, redis plugin, timeline database, timelines   

    A Redis-backed storage engine for timelines

  • cesar 4:12 pm on February 8, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: database, offline first, realtime database   

    realm-js TypeScript Created by realm Star

    Realm is a mobile database: an alternative to SQLite & key-value stores

  • cesar 5:47 pm on January 31, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: , business intelligence, database   

    metabase Clojure Created by metabase Star

    The simplest, fastest way to get business intelligence and analytics to everyone in your company :yum:

  • cesar 5:27 am on January 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: database, , , realtime   

    gun JavaScript Created by amark Star

    An open source cybersecurity protocol for syncing decentralized graph data.

  • cesar 12:52 am on January 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: database, , , time series   

    siridb-server C Created by SiriDB Star

    SiriDB is a highly-scalable, robust and super fast time series database. Build from the ground up SiriDB uses a unique mechanism to operate without a global index and allows server resources to be added on the fly. SiriDB's unique query language includes dynamic grouping of time series for easy analysis over large amounts of time series.

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