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  • cesar 1:50 am on October 10, 2023 Permalink
    Tags: golang, ledger, verax   

    ledger Go Created by formancehq Star

    A Programmable Core Ledger

  • cesar 7:23 pm on June 5, 2018 Permalink
    Tags: , analytics server, golang   

    fathom Go Created by usefathom Star

    Fathom Lite. Simple, privacy-focused website analytics. Built with Golang & Preact.


  • cesar 12:48 am on March 3, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: , disk, golang, redis clone   

    kvnode Go Created by tidwall Star

    key value server. redis api, leveldb storage, raft support

  • cesar 8:28 pm on February 16, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: golang,   

    go-guerrilla Go Created by flashmob Star

    Mini SMTP server written in golang

  • cesar 10:38 pm on February 11, 2017 Permalink
    Tags: agents, , , event manager, golang, irc, xmpp   

    beehive Go Created by muesli Star

    A flexible event/agent & automation system with lots of bees 🐝

  • cesar 12:52 am on January 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , golang, , time series   

    siridb-server C Created by SiriDB Star

    SiriDB is a highly-scalable, robust and super fast time series database. Build from the ground up SiriDB uses a unique mechanism to operate without a global index and allows server resources to be added on the fly. SiriDB's unique query language includes dynamic grouping of time series for easy analysis over large amounts of time series.

  • cesar 12:49 am on January 31, 2017 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , golang, , queue   

    Distributed, scalable, durable, and highly available message queue system. This project is deprecated and not maintained.

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